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Creating safe places to Live, Work, and Learn through community partnerships.






Active Viewing. Active Patrolling. Force Multiplier.


The City of King recently adopted a comprehensive plan to end youth violence; by working with city officials, local business leaders and businesses, the King City Police Department is leading the way in making the City of King a safe place to live, learn and play. A strategic asset to assist the Police Department officers as a force multiplier is the newly deployed city-wide security and surveillance system. The system has a wireless backbone using high-speed mmWave Wireless technology by Siklu, Tembo Systems and Wi-Fi Analytics by Kiana Analytics.  The cameras are all high-resolution Samsung, Axis, Arecont and Bosch cameras which provide citywide coverage and license plate capture of all the ingresses and egresses to the city. The cameras are also located at strategic locations throughout King City which allows views to city parks, common gathering areas and roadways.  ExacqVision and an IPConfigure Server provides access to the cameras which are restricted to prevent unauthorized viewing; privacy masks are also used to block all resident windows and doors. The system is powered by Solis Energy, HP and Planet Switches. The system has already been used to solve crimes, report illicit criminal behavior, and has been successful in reducing drive by shootings.


The City of King, King City Police Department and King City Union School District are partnering with ProYouth to offer their HEART program to King City schools. HEART stands for Health, Enrichment, Academics, Recreation and Teamwork. ProYouth, a non-profit organization based in Visalia, has developed an extensive and successful program during the past 25 years. The proposed program's activities consist of the following: healthy behavior activities, including nutrition (healthy snack program provided) and recreation; enrichment pathways, including ag science and culinary arts, computer science and engineering, and the arts (performing, fine arts, digital media, and movement and dance); homework assistance coordinated with the School District's curriculum; tutoring to support reading, writing, comprehension and math skills; multicultural awareness; and leadership development. The program is data driven, which means the activities and structure have been developed based upon what is proven to be effective in increasing student success and reducing youth violence and gang activity


You can be part of this effort, which is so important for the safety of our children and the future of King City! Download the King City HEART Donation Form on the right in the Folder Icon to give to this worthy cause.


Public Safety


The King City Police Department and the City of King


The City of King and the King City Police Department Makes Public Safety their Highest Priority.

Contact us to receive more information or send us a message.

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